EG Word Brain

Kids will love this game called ‘Eg Word Brain’. It is so much fun that your child can not stop playing it! Kids will learn a lot and have fun at the same time. The idea of this game is to find words that express an emotion with an associated meaning. You have to take a look at the word’s meaning, association with other words, and word sounds in order to form a definition for each word in the game. Children ages 4-10 years old can participate in this game. A short video of the game can be found

There’s only one word that can save the world: mind control. Your last word is it all? No problem! You can just hum a million different hued versions of this word and make them come true. That’s what people do all the time. They hum a billion different hues, word by word, to see if they work in creating reality. This article will help you learn how (and when not to use) to hum a new hued version of your word and create images in your head instead of seeing it as an actual thing in your

How to Increase Your Wordusage in Business & Life wordusage is one of the most important decisions you will make in your business life. If you are serious about it, this article will help you increase your vocabulary while learning new words. You might think that there is no way to magically increase your vocabulary while learning new words. Well, number one is wrong. There is actually a science behind it. Let’s explore why and how you can increase your vocabulary in

For some of us who are lucky enough to have parents, siblings or other family members who share our interests, words can be the most challenging and fascinating word game out there. There are so many different ways to play word games and find new ways to discover new words with each match makes one feel like a word king and queen right about now! So here we go with some tips for keeping your brain sharp as well as your hand in

One word, one idea. That’s all it takes to become a globally-known author, concept artist, or game designer. The Eg Word Brain is the ultimate test of your ability to comprehend and organize information. It can be challenging at first, but once you learn how to use it effectively, you’ll have more than enough motivation to continue working on your creative

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